Suggestions for improving current measures
We have seen terracing in place in our neighbourhoods and we feel that this can be introduced
Bricks as barrier
We have seen some bricks around our neighbourhood. They act as the borders of sidewalks. We also feel that they prevent soil from flowing out from the area which they are from.
Introduce more wildlife to Bukit Timah Hill
All we saw were ants and a few monkeys at the nature reserve. We feel that human activities at the nature reserve have more or less disrupted animal activities at the rainforest. Perhaps some areas should be cordoned off to prevent more damage done to the wildlife there.
More Trees
Trees are good for stabilizing the soil they also provide habitat to the wildlife
Allow nature to do its work
Although the logs have been helping to prevent soil erosion, we still feel that these man-made factors are not as effective as natural ones. It’s best to return to nature! J